Public School in New Jersey Teaches Obama Praise Song To Kids

Below is the creepy video of the kid’s being taught a Barack Obama song.

One of the things I noticed is the kids singing the line “Red, Yellow, Black or White all are equal in his sight”  The first thing I thought of was the Sunday school song I grew up with, Jesus Loves The Little Children.  In that song it is sung “Black and yellow, red and white
They’re all precious in His sight
Jesus loves the little children of the world”

You know, I never remember schools going as far as teaching George Bush songs or even Bill Clinton songs.  Do you?  Do you remember the same level of fanaticism when Bill Clinton was elected?

I would have loved to show you  commentaries from other networks like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC or CBS but none of them ever ran the story (at least as far as what Google has showed me).  Fox ran the clip many times and although these days Glenn Beck appears to be billed as a crazy wacko guy from those people who don’t even watch his show, he did a good job covering the concerns of Americans.  I thank God that my two boys are not yet in the public school systems.

You make up your own mind on this story.

Here was Glenn Beck’s 4 minute take on it:

Here is the raw video